A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley

A farm owned by Larry Cook, the patriarch of a family that for generations has cultivated the land and can proudly claim that its one thousand acres make it one of the biggest in Zebulon County, a farmer’s community in Iowa, where “acreage and financing were facts as basic as name and gender”, is at…

A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James

When a book opens with a list of characters similar to Tolstoy’s War and Peace and we quickly browse through its seven hundred pages, we can easily get its scope and what it wishes to achieve. And as we begin reading, a dead man’s opening lines in the Prologue are somehow prophetic to what we…

White Noise by Don DeLillo

For Don DeLillo writing is a concentrated form of thinking. The son of Italian immigrants, he grew up in the Bronx. White Noise is his eighth novel, published in 1985 for which he earned the National Book Award for Fiction. The work represents a major turning point in his career. Thanks to it, he became…